We're Moving
5829 S. Curtice St. Littleton 80120
We've found the perfect house to grow into right here in Downtown Littleton! Stay tuned for an open house coming sometime this fall.
Family Friendly Potluck
August 19th 11-2pm at Belleview Park
We're so excited to host Garden's first annual family friendly potluck! Join family and friends for an afternoon of games and good food. All Garden participants and their families are welcome! Please bring a dish to share according to your last name:
A-J: Salad | K-R: Side Dish | S-Z: Dessert
Extended Adult Day Programming
Garden is excited to announce some wonderful changes happening in iThrive this fall! Starting in September, we will be offering adult day programming five days per week, Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm.
Breakfast Club: Everyday 8-9am
Enjoy breakfast with neurodiverse friends before day program.
Community Based Day Programming: Everyday 9-2pm
Cultivate independence and build friendships in your community, where you thrive. Every day offers a different focus from health and recreation, to vocation, culture, arts, cooking and so much more!
Co-Op: Everyday 2-5pm
Participants will have the opportunity to create products to be sold in Dirt's future coffee shop opening early 2018. Sales from the products will go directly back to the individuals who helped to create them.